A copyright notice is principally intended to assist with assertions of copyright infringement. Historically, a copyright notice could be a prerequisite of copyright protection. This is no longer the case (at least in the most significant jurisdictions). Nonetheless, a notice will help in educating potential copyright infringers, and may make it harder to rely upon an innocent infringement defense.
The free copyright notice covers the following:
- Ownership of copyright
- Copyright license
- Data mining
- Permissions
- Enforcement of copyright
- Infringing material
- This copyright notice
Free Copyright Notice is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England & Wales License. Based on a work at freenetlaw.com. You must retain the credit in all versions and derivatives of the free copyright notice. If you want to use this template without a credit, you can obtain a license to do so here: Freenetlaw.com license.