We supply free legal resources for websites, and help web professionals and website operators to find other sources of free legal help, including free legal information, free legal advice, free legal documentation and free legal search facilities.
Document availability
The main purpose of this website is to distribute free legal documents. At the moment, we have templates for website terms and conditions, copyright notices, website disclaimers, medical disclaimers, legal disclaimers, privacy statements, cookies policies, anti-spam policies and linking policies. We plan to add more documents in future.
Really free?
Our templates are free because they don’t cost anything; and they are free because you are free to copy, edit and improve the documents as you like. All we ask is that you credit us (in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 license under which the documents are supplied). If you want to use a document without the credit and hyperlink, you can buy a license to do so on the Contractology site here: Freenetlaw.com licenses.
Different laws
The templates are designed to fulfil some of the principal legal requirements of some of the major jurisdictions. However, every jurisdiction has its own particular rules. For this reason we do not (and indeed cannot) guarantee that the templates will meet the requirements of your legal system. Unfortunately, the only way to ensure that you meet all of the requirements of applicable law is to take legal advice from an appropriately qualified and experienced lawyer.